Additive manufacturing

Using highly explosive metal powders creates new challenges in dust safety. One of the most rapidly growing and evolving markets happening in the industrial world right now. It’s cost-effective in terms of materials and productivity, and in many cases, it provides a greener solution that leaves less of a carbon footprint on the environment. It used to be that just those working with metals and plastics were taking advantage of this new technology, but each day, more and more industries from food production to biomedical breakthroughs— are finding the innovative way to integrate 3D printing into their …

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Aplication Machine cleaning Vacuum cleaning of powder processing machines Success Stories Safe vacuum cleaning in Additive Manufacturing Wet seperator vacuum for highly explosive Titanium additives Suction Media Aluminium dust Titanium Powder for 3 D laser Alumnium additive for 3 D Laser Application Packages Safe vacuum cleaning in Additive Manufacturing Wet seperator vacuum for highly explosive Titanium additives Reference

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  • Steel
  • Chemical
  • Cement
  • Engineering
  • Power Plant
  • Packaging
  • Plastic
  • Construction
  • Aerospace